Ballerina Canvas Oil Painting

  • SKU: CHF-4094

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( Original price was: $113.00.Current price is: $79.00.)
( Original price was: $124.00.Current price is: $87.00.)
SKU: CHF-4094 Category:
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Ballerina is a hand finished canvas oil painting. This canvas art utilizes the color white in the ballerina’s garment to draw the viewer in to admire and adore. Given the treatment it deserves, the softly scraped and blended background sets the stage for this beautiful performer. Hardworking, yet the very epitome of grace, the ballerina in this oil painting stands relaxed. This wall art shares with the viewer a moment of reflection, as she appears deep in her own world where no audience is privy.
Brand: Charlotte Home Furnishings Inc.
Composition: Canvas Oil Painting
Finish: Gallery wrapped Canvas Art arrives ready to hang.
Origin: Wall Art finished in USA
Color: Brown
Dimensions: Weight:
1.25 × 20 × 24 in 4 lbs
1.25 × 24 × 36 in 5 lbs

Usually Ships in 5-10 days

Estimated Shipping Date: 12/27/2024